Why do dog trainers hate retractable leashes? – Pet Business Newsletters Samples

Why do dog trainers hate retractable leashes? – Pet Business Newsletters Samples

In recent years, a new breed of trainer has sprung up around the retractable leashes which focus on using the leash to make the dog want to do things like sit around and play when the owner needs to be away.

These trainers often don’t think about how humans have a lot of energy to expend from being active when they walk or sit down, but instead think about the energy they put out when they are relaxed with all the distractions in their environment.

Sensory Integration and Visual Integration, Part II

An Overview of Visual Integration

by Drs. Michael Schmitz and Steven DeYoung, Sibylla Labs.
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The purpose of this article is to give an overview of how sensory integration plays a central role in maintaining visual integration. Visual integration is important for the ability to perceive various objects in the world which depend on visual input. Many visual processes can be integrated only if the input to them is rich and complex enough to be perceptually comprehensible. This can be accomplished by maintaining the right type of visual integration. We describe some principles which affect how and to whom this quality is maintained. The article may be useful for researchers interested in understanding how visual integration functions.

Stages of Visual Integration

The visual systems are organized in four stages:

The primary stage is the primary image (or primary visual system) that receives all visual input directly.

In the secondary stage, the primary visual system also receives input from visual areas in other regions of the brain. These areas generally include the superior colliculus and superior retina that act more like filters to eliminate some types of input. For example, visual processing of color information in the retina results in a filter to minimize the image seen at the eye. This filter is sometimes called color blindness.

In the tertiary stage, the visual system receives more complex input from other regions of the brain. For example, if the primary visual system is overwhelmed with input from other regions, it will attempt to re-balance, which can result in more sophisticated processing of stimuli.

In the inferior stage, the visual system continues its normal functioning but with one or more more of its processes, known as processing areas, being inhibited.

How can a person maintain visual integration when only part of the visual system is actively processing the same visual input? The answer is that visual integration comes into play only when the process, or regions of processing, are involved. Because the primary system of

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