Do police dogs get paid? – Pet Food In The News

Do police dogs get paid? – Pet Food In The News

Are they not human beings? Are they only employed as the police?

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The police dogs they are hired with are not human beings, they have been turned into living weapons of war

The police dogs they are hired with are not human beings, they have been turned into living weapons of war When they are hired, the police will be required to pay them an enormous amount of money when they are no longer useful for the city that is currently employing the officers who carry and use them.

The costs of training the police dogs will inevitably eat into the budget of the police department where the police dogs are employed.

What is needed, by the way, is the immediate abolition of the police, not only the police but the entire state bureaucracy that is now employed to serve the police.

In this particular case, the dog is a state animal — not someone with a human soul, however much you might admire the work ethic of a canine officer.

In the absence of a state apparatus that does not need the dogs, the state apparatus of an already-imprisoned police officer is still needed.

The police dog has no human soul, no moral life, no personality (and hence no right to be compensated for his or her services).

The police are a social evil that does not need to be punished, because its job is simply to serve society.

The police dog has no social function but the function of human domination and violence.

The dog is no more entitled than you or I to be hired by a company to serve it.

There is a line in “Citizen of the World” when a police dog is called upon to kill an unarmed man trying to rob him, just as on the set of Martin Scorsese’s “The Departed.”

The officer’s duty, of course, when confronted by a unarmed man, is to protect the citizen and himself — to do anything to avoid being killed.

It is not, in all moral terms, an act of violence.

But the officer may, of course, do whatever is necessary to maintain or even to increase his own ability to preserve this power.

He may even make the most unjust decisions in any individual case.

It may be said, of course, that some dog will never show even one ounce of mercy in any situation.

And this, too, is true of the police dog and of any other animal.

But there is a difference

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