What can you call yourself besides a life coach? – Free Life Coach Business Card Template

What can you call yourself besides a life coach? – Free Life Coach Business Card Template

If you had some extra cash, what would that be? And why do you feel the need to be like that?

My name isn’t even in the dictionary at all. I’m very creative! But my work isn’t all about that. You have to be pretty creative to do such a vast assortment. I look for an artist who is a big supporter of what I’m trying to do with the people in my life. For me, it’s really about being the most authentic, trusting and empathetic person I can be.

Who are your role models or mentors?

I think one of the most important ones for me is Tim Gunn. He’s the guy who I was talking about earlier. He’s always been such an inspiration for my work. He’s always been positive and encouraging. He was my inspiration in going for a medical degree and his books are a huge inspiration for us as doctors. They are still very important to me.

What are you working on right now?

Right now I’m currently working with a man who’s been in jail a long time and I see him every week through different programs. I’m really learning more about why I need to be an advocate of people in jails and a advocate for the people of jails. I’m also working on my third book, which is about dealing with trauma that I experienced. It’s something I haven’t gotten to in myself yet. But I am really lucky that I can connect with so many different people during that process. I can’t thank them enough.

What are you reading right now?

At times, I really do get distracted by what’s going on right next to me. But right now, I would say I’m reading like 50 books a week. I’d say 80 titles to my library and I’ve been in and out of all of the libraries over the past year and I still am learning some of them. But I’ve also been doing very intense readings.

You’re not interested in books about philosophy or psychology, are you?

No, not really. When I came back from my prison sentence, I realized how much I’d forgotten. The books that I picked up from the library were just very small sections from books about the way I lived in the past. I’ve started taking them more seriously and thinking about writing my own things, though. I’ve been trying to dig into the life that I had left behind when I went to jail and figure out what I want

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