What type of grants are available? – Government Business Grants For Single Mothers

What type of grants are available? – Government Business Grants For Single Mothers

Grant proposals must address the following topics (for the entire year):

The extent to which the program is cost-effective;

the extent to which the program fulfills its purpose; and

the impact of the program on quality assurance objectives.

Examples of grant topics include:

Research on research opportunities, such as research partnerships between universities/industries and research institutes

The development of evidence-based strategies to support academic and research programs

Facilitation and coordination of research and development activities

Academic support for academic research programs

Research, evaluation and dissemination of knowledge

Facilitation of research and development activities

The evaluation of the performance of existing and new research in the research field

Support for new and emerging science, technology and services

The delivery of programs at the university of Calgary

For a list of grant topics, refer to the Canadian Science and Engineering Research Council (CSERC) website.

What is the overall goal?

The overall goal of our grant program is to improve the quality of research at every level of the scientific research workflow at the Calgary community. The primary objective of this grant is to support the research activities of university and research institutions of higher education, and to make available research funding to support the development of knowledge.

What is the type of research?

Research on research opportunities, such as research partnerships between universities/industries and research institutes

The development of evidence-based strategies to support academic and research programs

Facilitation and coordination of research and development activities

Academic support for academic research programs

Research, evaluation and dissemination of knowledge

Facilitation of research and development activities

The evaluation of the performance of existing and new research in the research field

Support for new and emerging science, technology and services

Research, evaluation and dissemination of knowledge

Academic support for academic research programs

CSERC Grant Proposals

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Applicant fee

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Applications are available in the following format:

Application Form

Apply for a grant

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Request a grant

Applicant fee

Application form

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Applications are available in the following format:

Apply for a grant

Submit application


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