Is Waacking hip hop? – Ballet Dance Drawing

Is Waacking hip hop? – Ballet Dance Drawing

There isn’t really a hip hop subgenre within the genre, it’s like all the other forms of music. It’s just a general idea; it comes out over the various eras of the hip hop record, there are a lot of subgenres within the genre, and at it’s core it’s just a general idea of how to rhyme, a general idea of how to rap; it doesn’t mean nothing else, it’s just how you say it.

How should hip hop radio stations cover the various subgenres? Well, we get to the point where radio stations have very specific genres to cover, and we don’t need to cover all of the categories, in most cases you’ll cover a certain type or a certain style of music, and the other ones you just have to pick the ones you like and hope that others like it. It’s almost like when I was talking about the general categories, I said “oh they just need to cover everything they can”. In most ways, it’s not bad. In fact, the more people who listen to it and learn how to say it properly, the better their songs will be. You’ll hear more variety and variety, which, again, is great.

I have a little bit of a problem with some of hip hop artists using words like “cassette”, “cassette tape”, and “cassette player”. It just comes off as cheap. In a certain sense, that’s just the way hip hop was intended to be heard, and still is intended to be heard, and that’s okay. I would like to see it have greater variety and greater complexity, more words or ways to say it, and I want more people to learn it so we can enjoy it further. I don’t want that to become a boring, boring subgenre that people don’t go out and hear.

If anything though, the more varieties that people can learn about hip hop, the better it will be.

Are you a hip hop nerd, or what? I guess my goal in discussing this is not to be a hip hop nerd. It’s more about creating a dialogue and hopefully creating more curiosity and variety about the entire history of hip hop. I think it also is about educating newcomers; hopefully they will give hip hop a chance and not end up making the same genre mistakes I did and end up stuck with something they hate. That would be horrible.

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