Does twisting burn belly fat? – Belly Dancer Painting

Does twisting burn belly fat? – Belly Dancer Painting

Don’t tell fat-shaming blogger-ex-girlfriend-model-mom… Read more Read


“I’ve been going to my doctor for years saying, ‘Oh, I’m not fat, but have you noticed that you’ve been getting a little more hungry and I’m getting a little more tense?’ It makes me feel like a failure,” she said.


“I don’t know if it’s the stress, the food, the lack of sleep, or the fact that I look at the other people I’m hanging out with and they’re a totally different shape.”

In her own journey to shedding body image from her world, which includes getting out of the house and shopping with friends and strangers without any sort of a plan, she says she has noticed some strange things.

And even more disturbing, she added, is the way the media has become obsessed with one woman, rather than a culture that doesn’t encourage women to have that sort of body.

“There is a general obsession with just how big your boobs are, and how hot you look in a bikini, and how healthy you are. But this image of the skinny, pretty woman is very limiting,” she said.


“I’ve seen this reflected in how people respond towards fat women in the media. There’s a very thin woman in the picture, and she’s completely comfortable but she’s being looked at this way as if she hasn’t achieved anything. It’s such a shame.”

She’s tried to get some answers by contacting her doctor and even went on a trip to see her gynecologist, who said: “Well, I have seen some people fat like you.”

But in the end, she decided it wasn’t worth the trouble. This was before she’d even started researching the internet and realised that the internet was rife with people who seemed to think that fat people were just pretending to be thin.


“I had friends go on the internet and just kind of say, ‘Well it’s because we’re fat’ — like we’re being fake,” she said. “And I thought, why can’t people just tell fat people that they’re fat? I don’t know, this seems to be a common problem. And there’s this general sense that you’re less capable of performing when you’re larger than you seem.”

So she got the answer — for her: she was fat. Fat. Or like she

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